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The Tempest(Theatre Drama)

The Tempest(Theatre Drama)

The play was written by William Shakespeare much notably in the year 1610-1611. Talks about the story of a ship carrying king of Naples Alonso, his son Ferdinand, Antonio and other nobles. The ship wrecked in storm created by the spirits, Ariels, under the magic art of prospero. Prospero's daughter Miranda is worried about the voyagers. She is told they are safe. He explains to her that he is the rightful Duke of Milan usurped by Antonio. And they had arrived on their island. Ariel separates all Lords including Ferdinand. Caliban, a savage in habitat of that island, who is controlled by prospero expresses his hostility to prospero. Prospero gets Ariel to lead Ferdinand to fall in love with Miranda. Alonso and the Lords begin their search for Ferdinand. Meanwhile Antonio persuades Alonso's brother Sebastian to kill the king and claim his throne. Caliban encounters Alonso's jester Trinculo and butler Stephano, whom he decides to serve with the aim of pursuading them to kill prospero but prospero sends Ariel to confuse and play tricks on them. Ariel leads the Lords to prospero and they stand in trance before him. He rouse them and they bag forgiveness. Ferdinand and Miranda are revealed to them. Eventually, ariels and caliban are set free and rest all sail back to their kingdom happily ever after.
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