Welcome to the stall booking pages of Rotary Green Expo 2025.
This expo will provide you an opportunity to showcase your products and services to more than 7000 to 8000 visitors & guests from Housing societies, Industries, MSMEs, corporates, experts, businesses, schools and colleges, start-ups, NGOs . . . practically a very big pool of citizens.
You may book out of,
- 3 x 2 stall
- 2 x 2 stall
- 6 x 8 banner/hoarding
- 6 x 4 flex
- A5 size Directory half page advertisement
- A5 size Directory full page advertisement
Your booking will be confirmed only after you pay the full amount. Stall could be shared with other vendors and then will be charged only 50% of the price. The banner price includes the cost of printing but the vendor has to provide the design in the .cdr format
You can download the stall/banner layout by clicking the link on the Booking detail page before you make your booking.
Experience the Excitement
Rtn. Nilesh - 9860198450
Rtn. Pramod - 9823038118
Stall Booking:
Rtn. Sarita - 9960122912
Rtn. Prashant - 8625053242
Rtn. Sarang - 9822003317
Rtn. Swati - 9552607227
Technical Consultancy:
Rtn. Nitien Arvindrao Mahajan
Advisory Committee:
Rtn. Shital Shah, District Governor
Rtn. Vasantrao Malunjkar, District Environment Director
Rtn. Rajendrakumar Saraf, Mentor Environment Avenue
Swargate, Pune