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Contact Details
Dr. Priyam Aditya
(Paper & Poster Presentation)
Dr. Vijaysinh More
(Conference Queries)
Dr. Vijay Mabrukar
(Conference Queries)
Organizer Information
Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
10 Event Organized
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Maharashtra State Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference

Maharashtra State Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference

Paralleling the Golden, Contemporary, and the Future.

Organized by
Indian Prosthodontic Society, Pune Branch
along with 
Mumbai-Navi Mumbai & Nagpur Branches, and
Dr. D Y Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pimpri Chinchwad

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October 13, 2023 , 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

TBD - Will be updated soon.

October 14, 2023 , 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

TBD - Will be updated soon.

October 15, 2023 , 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

TBD - Will be updated soon.

Medical Auditorium

Dr. D Y Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pimpri-Chinchwad

Location View on Map
General Guidelines

01. All presenters should be IPS members and registered for the 2nd Maharashtra IPS State Conference for any kind of Presentation.
02. Delegates are allowed to participate in only one of the scientific presentations: paper presentation or E-Poster.
03. Two authors per one paper and 2 authors per one poster presentation are allowed.
04. Only author's names are to be displayed. Names of guiding staff or HOD or College name should not be mentioned for any presentation. Mention of any such names would amount to disqualification (only for student presentations)
05. All presentations should be attested with the signature and seal of the Head of the Department mentioning the category of presentation.

Guidelines For Paper Presentation

01. All authors are required to follow the general guidelines.
02. Only 2 authors are allowed per presentation (1+1)
03. Paper presentations are categorized into
• Original Researches: The abstract headings for which should be as (Introduction, objectives, methods including relevant statistical methods), results, and conclusions.
• Case reports: The abstract headings for which should be as (Introduction, case characteristics - patient’s age, gender, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment rendered) outcome, discussion, and conclusion.
• Innovation: The abstract headings for which should be as (introduction, Background, methodology, clinical implementation, discussion, summary, and conclusion.
• Reviews: The abstract headings for which should be as -Background, methodology, discussion, summary, and conclusion.
04. The structured abstract should be submitted not exceeding 150 words.
05. Abstracts with plagiarism will not be accepted.
06. Abstracts are to be submitted via link which shall be received after registration, on your registered email id.
07. Last date for submission and uploading the abstract is 30th September 2023.
08. High-quality images are mandatory (DSLR). Blurred images and photoshopped images lead to the disqualification of papers from the competitive category.
09. Main author is also requested to carry the presentation in a Pen drive, and to upload in the preview room before the presentation, use of personal Laptops for presentation may not be permitted, to avoid technical issues.
10. Date and timings of selected Paper presentations will be notified later. 
11. The Presenting author needs to be well dressed and present during the allotted time slots well in advance and should have completed the preview process before the commencement of the session.
12. Each presenter will get 8 minutes for a presentation followed by 2 minutes for question-and answer session.
13. The presentation will be judged by the chairpersons of the said session and the paper shall become eligible to contest for an award.
14. Certificates will be presented to the authors only if the author is present at the time of the presentation.
15. The decision of the scientific committee is final and binding in all situations.

Guidelines for Poster Presentation

01. All authors are required to follow the general guidelines.
02. Only 2 authors are allowed per presentation (1+1)
03. The structured abstract should be submitted not exceeding 150 words.
04. Abstracts with plagiarism will not be accepted.
05. Abstracts are to be submitted via link which shall be received after registration, on your registered email id.
06. Presentations should be in one ppt slide (Microsoft PowerPoint). Page set up 16:9,1080 resolution, max size 10 MB, JPEG format

Organizer Information
Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
10 Event Organized
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This event is closed
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Contact Details
Dr. Priyam Aditya
Dr. Vijaysinh More
Dr. Vijay Mabrukar
No sponsor listed for this event.
Organizer Information
IPS Pune Branch
Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
10 Event Organized
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