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13 Biennial Conference of International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation

13 Biennial Conference of International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation

The Biennial Conference is hosted by ISMR & IPS to bring together all the medical practitioners who have been treating Cancer patients individually and build an eco-system for patients who need rehabilitation care from variety of experts to heal - physically and emotionally.

The ISMR is the preeminent interdisciplinary international organization in maxillofacial rehabilitation. The ISMR strives for:
•    Enhanced public and professional awareness of interdisciplinary maxillofacial rehabilitation
•    Active, growing membership with balanced representation from multiple professional disciplines
•    Sustainable educational, outreach and research programs that are recognized as the best in the field
•    Well established regional groups

Indian Prosthodontic Society was initiated as a collective idea in an informal meeting to create a society of prosthodontists. 
•    The society was formally formed in one of the conferences where all dental surgeons of India were invited.
•    The society is governed by a well-drafted constitution which dictates the promotion of harmony among members to have the interest of Prosthetic Dentistry as uppermost in their minds. 
•    The Indian Prosthodontic Society is an official organization for prosthodontists in India is emerging to play a leading role in promoting total Prosthodontics Rehabilitation in the country.

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13th Biennial Conference ISMR-IPS-2020
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