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Dr. Santosh Shingote
Dr. Priyam Aditya
Dr. Vijay Mabrukar
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Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
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Introduction to Bluesky Bio Implant Planning Software

Introduction to Bluesky Bio Implant Planning Software

With the advent of refined surgical methods such as guided surgery, implantology has gained popularity. CBCT has added immense value to implant placement procedures and guided surgery especially. There is no more a debate on the value of CBCT in providing three dimensional images for virtual treatment planning of implant placement procedures.

This webinar will introduce the participants to guided surgery, data acquisition for evaluation of implant site and implant planning. Participants will understand the concept of implant surgical procedures using a surgical guide that is designed in the software and also a demonstration of virtually planned prosthesis and implant in Blu Sky Bio software. By the end of the webinar, participants should have a fair knowledge of viewing and assessing implant sites osseous morphology and a confident concept of guided implant surgical procedure.
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Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
10 Event Organized
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This event is closed
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Contact Details
Dr. Santosh Shingote
Dr. Priyam Aditya
Dr. Vijay Mabrukar
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IPS Pune Branch
Joined on May 07, 20 03:18 AM
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