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Free One Day Workshop on Pulse Diagnosis

Free One Day Workshop on Pulse Diagnosis

FREE ONE DAY WORKSHOP on PULSE DIAGNOSIS Tired of taking medicines based on symptoms and experiencing same issues after some days? Wondering what's the ROOT CAUSE of your various health issues? Looking for a PERMANENT CURE from the ROOT? Finding ways to lead a DRUG-FREE LIFE? Does the FEAR of DISEASES make you LOSE your PEACE? Well, get Solutions for all your Health Queries on this Special Day...i.e 31st March. Register now to avail the FREE SEAT! (LINK IN THE BIO) Limited Seats Available. WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS: => Basics of pulse diagnosis and how to analyse it. => Understanding the root cause of the disease and emotions of the patient. => Acquisition of pulse through nadiswara. => Interpretation of nadiswara report TRAINER PROFILE: Dr. Basavaraj K Ph.D in Pulse Diagnosis, Inventor of Nadiswara( World's best pulse diagnosing device), Researcher and Trainer in 20+ Ancient Natural Healing Techniques. A profound healer, running Basava Natural Healing Center successfully with an experience of more than a decade in the field of Acupuncture, Pulse Diagnosis and various Native Techniques. In the amazing journey of being a world class healer, he has treated and cured more than 10,000 people globally. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE. NOTE: LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED SEATS FILLING FAST!!! REGISTER NOW!! (LINK IN THE BIO) BEGIN THE JOURNEY TOWARDS A HEALTHIER YOU! #PulseAnalysis #Workshop #Free #Health #Wellness #bengaluru #putmeintouchbangalore #whatshappeninginbangalore #thingstodoinbangalore #acupuncture #acupressure #selfhealing #nadiswara #cureispossible #investinyourself #bangaloreyogalovers #healthybangalore #bangalorehealthandwelness #gandhibhavan #drugfree #drugfreeindia #healthy #healthylifestyle
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Joined on Apr 30, 19 11:46 AM
458 Event Organized
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Joined on Apr 30, 19 11:46 AM
458 Event Organized
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