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Ayn Rand Conference San Francisco

Ayn Rand Conference San Francisco

Register here: LEARN The conference theme is “Ideas That Can Destroy Or Save Silicon Valley.” This conference is about value creators—more specifically, the ideas they need to build a better world and to defend themselves against those who seek to destroy them. Silicon Valley is a bastion for innovation and progress. But without the proper intellectual underpinnings, how long can it sustain itself? At AynRandCon, you’ll engage these ideas firsthand and formulate a deeper personal understanding through lectures, panels, and discussions. CONNECT AynRandCon fosters a community of thinkers—people who ask questions and enjoy discussing big ideas. Whether you are a long-time Rand fan or just curious about her philosophy, you’ll experience high-quality conversations and interactions. AynRandCon is a great opportunity to cultivate friendships, professional connections, and intellectual mentorships. FUEL AynRandCon is designed to stimulate, inspire, and motivate you. The intellectual work you do at AynRandCon, and the insights you take away, will provide your soul the fuel it needs to face the world with moral certainty and achieve your highest values. Do you have someone you would like to refer to AynRandCon-San Francisco? Contact the conference team at for more information on referral discounts!
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Joined on Apr 30, 19 11:46 AM
458 Event Organized
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Joined on Apr 30, 19 11:46 AM
458 Event Organized
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